Tag: Data Analytics
BDE Reporting
The analysis module for evaluation and reporting of production data provides a comprehensive overview of the operation data. DevelopersProSeS GenerateReports TypesSoftwareData Analytics VisualizeKPIs Website: www.proses.de
Read more »Feedback Module
The feedback module interfaces to some interaction modules (e.g., GUI or NLP) that enable the transfer of user data to the feedback module and vice versa. DevelopersJSI, QLECTOR Developed in ProjectDeveloped in STARSTAR TypesSoftwareData Analytics Used in ProjectUsed in STAR
Read more »Simulated Reality (SR)
Simulated reality is responsible for producing synthetic data to aid the training and evaluation of AI algorithms. To cope with incomplete training datasets and data hungry AI algorithms the actual production process is emulated to generate both plausible in-distribution data as well as unknown out-of-distribution inputs to evaluate/enhance the robustness and flexibility of AI in […]
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